Declaration of war to all stupids… (it goes on to say: Governments and their followers!)

Roman & Rocinante / Sancho Panza & Rucio

Last night I was able to successfully complete a battle against the windmills and finally the topic produced two months ago as a video: Declaration of war against all stupids…‘ to my printing house – Disegraf in Azuaga – as a finished book. The war is far from won, unfortunately there are far too many stupids on Earth! But ‚those up there‘ are supposed to dress very warmly with the sweaters knitted by (German ex-Federal President) Gauck. This applies to all governments in the world and their followers!

It is a different war that I am waging than the foolish struggle with destructive firearms, which only makes the rich richer and the army of the poor poorer and poorer! If you have the courage to look critically into the large wall mirror, then you will see your mixed figure and thus the result of a completely misguided health policy, i.e. a wrong diet! Who is to blame? Your mothers! Stupidity is unfortunately hereditary! – And this is what ‚big politics‘ wants, because then they can do with you what ‚they want‘! Education and information policy is a disaster! It’s not just about Spain, it’s the same diabolical game everywhere. – Finally open your eyes and start fighting back! Tear the ‚leading‘ folk actors, in the truest sense of the word, their masks from their stupid visages!

A first step, for you personally: Buy the book recommended to you. It’s in three languages, with Apple taking the main blame if no Spaniard understands! But you are so educated that you also understand German or English!

The Libreria Alejandria in Azuaga will be happy to send you the book. It costs 30 € plus postage as a perfect paperback. You can’t win a war on 230 pages cheaper! Prerequisite, you must understand the content! Then you are very welcome to send me your reaction by e-mail:

I would be very happy about a constructive correspondence!

Tel. 0034 924 89 29 24 – E-Mail:


For today I greet from a bright blue Malcocinado, the spot in Spain, with a House of Direct Democracy,

from the Square of Direct Democracy,


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