The countdown has begun: … until real Direct Democracy, on July 03, 2023!

Almost everything is known to everyone, or could be known to everyone with some difficulty, if people in our latitudes were not too spoiled in their social hammock, which paralyzes them for any form of criticism of the actions of ‚those up there‘! This is so sad and actually, when exchanging ideas with every intelligent like-minded person, the hope disappears that WE ALL can turn the wheel the right way around again! So many things are going wrong and the masses are watching and following the wrong direction! My thesis of the 95% stupid has been more than confirmed in the last three years. Of these 95%, there are at least 2/3 that belong in the category ‚pig-stupid‘! Nevertheless, I have to start a new attempt to initiate direct democracy ‚from below‘, at least to ignite a small fire. It should be easier to take up an attempt in a village with 300 inhabitants than to take up the fight against the great superiority of the millions of civil servants ‚above‘! In January 2020, and thereafter, the initiative I started was nipped in the bud by criminals around the world. Suddenly, there were no more yellow vests, at least no pictures were broadcast on German state television. Hong Kong was now also quite peaceful, Venezuela and all other rebellions of the masses… they fell victim to the fear of a false killer virus that threatens all of humanity! The stupid people let themselves be pushed back into their heels of slavery and there they felt more comfortable and expected one vaccination after another. That the stuff was a genetically engineered piece of shit that you voluntarily had injected into your body… What the heck, no matter what you die of! In this way, the common good has been served, the pharmaceutical industry has made billions, the general public has been in its pants! I do not want to go into detail about these swindlers in the state institutions here, I have published an endless number of videos and corresponding books about them. Only this much, because this fact alone exposes the swindlers: Already in the summer of 1964, the Scotswoman June Almeida had discovered the strain of the corona viruses. She passed away in 2007. This cleared the way for the fraudster Drosten in the RKI in Berlin and the crooks in the WHO. The consequences have long been visible and they will certainly bring the biggest problems! Hopefully! As a constant warning! So now I’m trying it again, in three languages. It’s a lot of work. I hope it’s worth the effort, though… Doubts are justified!

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