CWR – Critical World Report: # 1 – # 31

Ref.: The first edition of my ‘CWR – Critical World Report’, January 13, 2015

Hallo, dear Ladies & Gentlemen, dear Friends!

I’m proud to introduce to you the first edition of my ‘CWR – Critical World Report’. This video is made for YOU, my dear English speaking contacts around the globe! I tried my best to do it nearly ‘perfect’. As I explain in the video it’s a must for me to bring into the World not only the counting of the dead bodies, shot by idiots! I ask always critical “why could this happen?” I tried to set the spotlight often to the other side of the medal.

I accept and believe the mourning sadness of all the politicians, run in the first row through Paris-streets on last Sunday! And also the other 1.5 Millions did this solicitously! NO QUESTION! But during the same week Boko Haram killed in North-Nigeria about 2,000 innocent! On last Saturday 20 people died after a young girl of not 10 years was abused in a suicide attack! – I haven’t heard about the next ‘invasion’ of Presidential-Airplanes to Lagos/Nigeria…! Not a single word!

And there are many more serious critical remarks in my video. This time I did it with soft and friendly remarks, because it’s the first edition and it should not shock you. I could play some fine music-pieces with allowance of the artists: ‘Mind Your Manners’ from the fantastic US-American band Pearl Jam; and a special version of the song ‘STOP !’ from ‘A’. In that little video many of the war-mongers are visible! Some even wear the Nobel Peace Prize…

Nothing more to say, only: Enjoy the ‘show’ (for sure at home and NOT during your office hours!):

For today I remain with warmest regards

Dr. Roman Schreiber


Ref.: My FINAL Critical World Report # 31 – March 7, 2016. You are invited to join me on my ‚Cloud 7‘.

Dear Ladies and Gentlemen, dear Friends!

The final short information-video ‘CWR # 31’  should direct YOU (and other interested people) to my ‘Cloud 7’. Yes, it’s really the final issue – at least in this presentation. Many reasons brought me to this decision. Foremost my series of experiments are complete. I have found enough confirmation for my entire published thesis!

Most of the people really don’t want to be brought out of their darkness! These people feeling very well in their role as underdogs! They hate the few that realized their situation and could bring them into a better future! Their fear is to change their life and take personal responsibility! So they even are fighting against their ‘liberators’! But nevertheless I claim again for all people an ‚Unconditional Income‘, everywhere! The ’sine qua non‘, the presupposition that we all can live in peace!

The Kinks with their song ‘I’m Not Like Everybody Else’ explaining ‘me and my situation’. (…not in the sense they probably meant in 1966!) Together with George Harrison we climb up to ‘Cloud 9’ and with The Rolling Stones, I ask to ‘Get Off Of My Cloud’!

I know, this final issue of my Critical World Report has a very cynically attitude. It should be! And I write this without any bitterness! You are invited! Come and join me on my ‘Cloud 7’!

Yours Dr. Roman Schreiber

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