Kategorie: Roman’s Report

Roman’s Report: Cloture, December 30, 2017

I’m happy! Yes, I feel relieved! The ‘Cloture’ lies behind me … and before you… if you have the courage and concentration ability and of course the interest to identify yourselves in the big wall mirror, for the last time! – This is my final mailing from the ‘sour country‘, not only to the turn …


Permanentlink zu diesem Beitrag: https://romanschreiber.info/romans-report-cloture-december-30-2017/

Roman’s Report – October 2016: Handout Manifesto … and a bit more

Dear Ladies and Gentlemen! Dear Friends! During the past weeks I guess I was as busy as ever with some fine video productions. In one German issue, on the 3rd October, amazingly the German Unity Day, I got with my guest, the well known and respected Austrian Prof. Dr. Heinrich Wohlmeyer, a wonderful ‘multiplicator’ of …


Permanentlink zu diesem Beitrag: https://romanschreiber.info/romans-report-october-2016-handout-manifesto-and-a-bit-more/

Roman’s Report – August 2016: Handout Manifesto

Dear Friends, dear Ladies and Gentlemen! Last Friday I produced a video in German, (translated) named ‘From Perceptions & Warnings’. It’s great to be perceived! The more, this happened from international well respected and acknowledged scientists. Who I am to ignore the pressure to carry on!? So I felt the need to express myself again, …


Permanentlink zu diesem Beitrag: https://romanschreiber.info/romans-report-august-2016-handout-manifesto/

Roman’s Report – June 2016: Unconditional Income

Dear Friends, dear Ladies and Gentlemen! Last week I had once more to express myself, in German! This time more sharply and more clearly than before! I named it ‘from lies and solutions’. As I produced the video on the 30th of May, I haven’t thought about the national questioning in Switzerland to an ‘unconditional …


Permanentlink zu diesem Beitrag: https://romanschreiber.info/romans-report-june-2016-unconditional-income/

Aus gegebener Veranlassung: Fleischverzehr macht krank!

Guten Tag! Es ist heute, aus gegebener Veranlassung, am Mittwoch des 28. Oktober 2015, einfach ein Muss. Ich muss etwas sagen dürfen, weil… Nicht weil ich zu wenig sonst zu tun habe, und vor langer Weile mich vor die Kamera setze, nein, es treibt mich ein paar Minuten zu den Statements der Welt-Gesundheits-Organisation zu sagen, …


Permanentlink zu diesem Beitrag: https://romanschreiber.info/aus-gegebener-veranlassung-fleischverzehr-macht-krank/

CWR – Critical World Report: # 1 – # 31

Ref.: The first edition of my ‘CWR – Critical World Report’, January 13, 2015 Hallo, dear Ladies & Gentlemen, dear Friends! I’m proud to introduce to you the first edition of my ‘CWR – Critical World Report’. This video is made for YOU, my dear English speaking contacts around the globe! I tried my best …


Permanentlink zu diesem Beitrag: https://romanschreiber.info/cwr-critical-world-report-1-31/

My Videos On Dailymotion

“My Videos On Dailymotion“ I named this book, this report, to have at first hand for all times a document that reminds me at the hard work I had to do to reach my target: Having all my videos complete on this wonderful platform! The subtitle “A Report: Nothing For Weak Nerves” explains everything! My …


Permanentlink zu diesem Beitrag: https://romanschreiber.info/my-videos-on-dailymotion/

The New Year-speech of the retired President

My copy editor is not always at all meaningful with his e-mail-reports, because he has definitely a huge amount of ‘slope opinions’, respectively connections to ‘slope’ internet-platforms, which I not accept as ‘good’, but sometimes he delivered really useful inputs. Also this time where again a report from the ‘Good Friday-grill-wake-up-service’ was inspiration to me …


Permanentlink zu diesem Beitrag: https://romanschreiber.info/the-new-year-speech-of-the-retired-president/


Lukewarm seen is America, the USA, the United States of America, a great country with all possibilities. All people, with those I was in contact during my three weeks trip, were, lukewarm seen, nice. Unfortunately, only lukewarm; as in the whole country, there are only lukewarm living persons! A bad generalization? Unfortunately, not! I will …


Permanentlink zu diesem Beitrag: https://romanschreiber.info/lukewarm/