
Lukewarm seen is America, the USA, the United States of America, a great country with all possibilities. All people, with those I was in contact during my three weeks trip, were, lukewarm seen, nice. Unfortunately, only lukewarm; as in the whole country, there are only lukewarm living persons! A bad generalization? Unfortunately, not! I will prove it, at all small examples which occur to me. And I will underpin it with told examples of other people who also gained their experiences with the USA.

Now I have inserted for myself one more straw: ‚My‘ New York City, more exactly, ‚my‘ Manhattan isn’t America, not the USA! Just as Paris is not France and London is not England. Good that I can maintain this because I have made my own experiences, there!

I will report about my gained adventures within three weeks in ‘Chicagoland’, as the ’natives‘ themselves call her region there. I don’t know, if I succeed my writing in such a way, that not all doors become there forever shut. From my momentary view this would be no loss, only three weeks wasted time, with unnecessary build up hopes. Hopes on what, actually?

Yours Dr. Roman Schreiber

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