Roman’s Report – June 2016: Unconditional Income

Dear Friends, dear Ladies and Gentlemen!

Last week I had once more to express myself, in German! This time more sharply and more clearly than before! I named it ‘from lies and solutions’. As I produced the video on the 30th of May, I haven’t thought about the national questioning in Switzerland to an ‘unconditional income’, which happened last Sunday. The result is really not quite satisfying, unfortunately! But with the absurd demands, as it was now planned in the Swiss, even the biggest optimists could have foreseen this negative result. From my view, the Swiss had made it much too complex and complicate! In my video you will see my proposals for even a worldwide practicable way!

Believe it, there are easy solutions if you only want them! Up to now the politicians still try to protect the failed old systems, whether from stupidity or ignorance, some maybe even knowingly, so from calculation. Anyway they have to plead one day in front of a court their behavior. Therefore WE must tell our ‘little state servants’ NOW, what WE want, what they have to do!

Of course a true, peacefully REVOLUTION must take place at all levels! A change in awareness in the heads of the responsible persons who have only to serve the people! I give some ideas in my short video ‘Unconditional Income‘…

The video is visible now on my own ‚cloud 7‘, click on ‚Videos‘ and scroll up to the date, or copy the following link into your browser:!AldJ3_6QWGmnhnjbtPAL27omw5qz

The video is also visible on Dailymotion and on  YouTube:

Please write to me if you believe that I’m wrong! But please, also write to me and others, if you support this ‚REVOLUTION‘! Today I remain from the ‘Bad Old Germany’

Dr. Roman Schreiber


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